AI Enthusiasts Alert: The Growing Concern Around Generative AI Apps in the Workplace

2 min

In a surprising turn of events, BlackBerry Limited (NYSE: BB; TSX: BB) has brought forth a new research study that’s raising eyebrows among AI enthusiasts worldwide. The revelation? An astonishing 75% of organizations globally are either considering or already executing bans on the use of ChatGPT and similar Generative AI applications within the workplace. This emerging trend reflects mounting worries about data security, privacy infringement, and the potential impact on corporate reputation. Even more striking is the fact that 61% of those contemplating these bans have every intention of making them a long-term or even permanent fixture.

The research doesn’t just stop at the shocking numbers; it delves deeper to expose other intriguing aspects of this scenario. A significant 83% of the surveyed organizations are apprehensive about the cybersecurity vulnerabilities introduced by unsecured apps in their corporate IT ecosystem. There’s a rapidly solidifying consensus that while consumer-grade Generative AI tools hold promise, they also bring with them a level of risk that modern enterprises are simply not ready to embrace.

The paradox here is that, despite this growing inclination towards a complete ban, most respondents still acknowledge the inherent value of Generative AI apps in a professional setting. Efficiency enhancement, innovation catalyst, and a boost to creativity are cited by 55%, 52%, and 51% respectively. It’s clear that the allure of AI-driven tools is far too appealing to be ignored.

Cybersecurity is an ongoing concern in this brave new world of AI, and this research takes a closer look at how organizations view Generative AI apps as a potential defense mechanism. A staggering 81% of those surveyed show a favorable inclination towards using these AI applications for fortifying their security posture. This underscores a growing realization among IT decision-makers that the threat landscape is evolving at breakneck speed, and complacency is not an option.

Shishir Singh, the Chief Technology Officer, Cybersecurity at BlackBerry, urges companies to approach Generative AI apps with both caution and adaptability. He emphasizes the necessity of striking the right balance between the potential business gains and the inherent risks these apps pose. “As platforms mature and regulations take effect, flexibility could be introduced into organizational policies,” explains Singh. In this delicate balancing act, the right tools for visibility, monitoring, and management of workplace applications will be essential.

The study also brings to light some interesting insights into how IT decision-makers perceive organizational control. While 80% acknowledge a company’s right to regulate apps used for business purposes, 74% view such bans as a case of “excessive control” over both corporate and Bring Your Own (BYO) devices.

In the realm of corporate IT security, Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) emerges as the game-changing solution. UEM offers the controls needed to determine which apps can access the corporate environment, thereby maintaining the equilibrium between enterprise security and user privacy. In an era where consumer-grade Generative AI and other unregulated apps pose significant security challenges, an enterprise-grade UEM solution like BlackBerry UEM becomes indispensable.

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