The Future of MS Management: Step into Innovation with Celestra’s Smart Insoles

2 min

In the heart of Milan, a revelation awaits the world of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) management. At an event earlier this October, Dom from the MS guide, stumbled upon an innovation that promises a leap toward proactive MS management. This revelation came in the form of smart insoles, a brainchild of Bruce Ford from Celestra. The insoles, laden with technology, are engineered to bridge the communication gap between patients and their doctors by providing invaluable insights into the patients’ physical conditions, potentially even before any symptoms manifest.

As Dom delves deeper into conversation with Bruce, the marvels of this technology begin to unfold. At first glance, these insoles resemble any regular pair one might find at a local chemist. However, the semblance ends there. Embedded within are 16 pressure sensors, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a Bluetooth module, making these insoles a powerhouse of data collection. The design is user-centric; they fit into your favorite pair of shoes, and spring to action the moment you start moving. They require no special exercise regimen; they adapt to your routine, capturing a 15-minute sample of your walking data whenever you are on the move.

The data captured is astoundingly detailed. Each step is analyzed through 200 different variables, captured at a rate of 50 samples per second, painting a comprehensive picture of a user’s gait. This data was validated in a $10 million Gait lab in Canada, where it showed a near-perfect correlation with the lab’s high-fidelity force plates and synchronized cameras.

The smart insoles do more than just capturing data; they translate this data into actionable insights. The captured metrics can predict deviations in a user’s gait, which might signal the onset of an MS attack. Over time, users and their clinicians can monitor the trends in these metrics, enabling them to preemptively address any potential issues. Moreover, this continuous flow of data provides a more accurate representation of a patient’s condition compared to the traditional, and rather sporadic, 25-foot walk test conducted during clinic visits.

Furthermore, the insoles allow for a comparative analysis. Users can compare their data with a healthy population or a cohort of MS patients, gaining an understanding of where they stand. This comparative insight could be invaluable in assessing the effectiveness of new medications, physiotherapy regimes, or other interventions like using a cane or an Ankle Foot Orthotic (AFO).

As Celestra inches closer to launching trials in the UK, starting with the Royal London Hospital this November, the anticipation builds up. The trial, expected to span six months, opens a gateway for patients in the London area to experience this innovation first-hand. This isn’t just about a novel piece of technology; it’s about empowering MS patients with data, fostering a proactive approach to managing their condition, and ultimately, enhancing their quality of life.

With this innovation, Celestra is not only pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in MS management but is also setting a precedent for how technology can be harnessed to foster a better patient-doctor relationship. As the world awaits the results from the upcoming trials, one thing is clear: the future of MS management is stepping into a new era of technological innovation.

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