🔎 Neural network zooms out “Mona Lisa”

1 min

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley have used artificial intelligence to create a zoomed-out version of Leonardo Da Vinci’s famous painting, “Mona Lisa”. By using a neural network, the team was able to imitate the effect of zooming out from the painting, revealing its surroundings and providing a wider view of the scene.

The process involved training a deep learning algorithm to recognize different levels of detail in the painting, from the smallest brushstrokes to the larger features of the landscape. The neural network was then tasked with generating a wider view of the scene by predicting the areas that would be visible in a wider shot.

The resulting image shows the painting in its entirety, with the sitter’s seated position and the landscape behind her becoming visible. The researchers have described the technique as a “super-resolution” process that uses machine learning to generate new details from existing data.

The team’s work highlights the potential for artificial intelligence to enhance our understanding of works of art and historical artifacts, allowing us to explore them in new and innovative ways. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that we will see more applications of machine learning and neural networks in the field of art and cultural heritage.

While some may question the value of these applications, others see them as a way to democratize access to important cultural artifacts and make them more accessible to people around the world. By using technology to explore and understand art, we can broaden our horizons and gain new insights into the world around us.

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Hi, this may be interesting you: 🔎 Neural network zooms out "Mona Lisa"! This is the link: https://allboutgpt.com/2023/03/16/%f0%9f%94%8e-neural-network-zooms-out-mona-lisa/